Nils F. Schott teaches philosophy in the Euro-American Program of the Collège universitaire de SciencesPo. With Alexandre Lefebvre, he is the co-editor of three books: Henri Bergson’s lectures on Freedom at the Collège de France (Bloomsbury, 2024—see the interview with The Philosopher here); a collection of essays, Interpreting Bergson: Critical Essays, which was published by Cambridge UP in December 2019 and is now available in paperback; and a translation,  of Vladimir Jankélévitch’s Henri Bergson (Duke UP, 2015). With Hent de Vries, he edited Love and Forgiveness for a More Just World (Columbia UP, 2015).

Nils is also a widely published translator of academic literature, including some twenty books. The most recent volumes are Horn, or the Other Side of Media by Henning Schmidgen (Duke UP, 2022); Malum by Ingolf U. Dalferth (Wipf and Stock, 2022); Looking Through Images by Emmanuel Alloa (Columbia UP, 2021); Deleuze’s Philosophy of Law by Laurent de Sutter (Edinburgh UP, 2021); On the Dialectics of Psychoanalytic Practice, a collection of essays by Fritz Morgenthaler edited by Dagmar Herzog (Routledge, 2020); Critique of Freedom by Otfried Höffe (Chicago UP, 2020); Political Anthropology by Helmuth Plessner (Northwestern UP, 2018); and Sacred Channels by Erich Hörl (Amsterdam UP, 2018).
Several other translations have been completed and are on their way to publication.

Nils holds degrees from The American University of Paris (BA) and The Johns Hopkins University (MA, PhD). The recipient of numerous research as well as teaching fellowships, he has taught courses across the humanities disciplines (a detailed CV is available here).

He lives in Paris.

The best way to reach him is by email: Schott _at_